Jacki' @ KOUSLIVE 96.3 FM

Words Of Inspiration 

Hello to everyone.  I Pray that all is well with you and your families.  Easter, Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day.  Which were you raised to believe and which do you teach your children? I have always been sympathetic to those parents that struggle with letting their children participate in the various community Easter egg hunts.  It is dis- heartening to the   children to see friends carry home bags  filled with colored eggs, and sweet treats, and yet they have been forbidden to share in the experience.  Now some say "It's just like Halloween, it's a paganistic celebration".  But let's think back, were you allowed to hunt for eggs?  If you did, did you know it to be a celebration of a giant rabbit, or did you know it to be a form of activity for the children and the youth who had already so faithful read their "Easter Parts", by memory, and could tell you for a fact why Jesus Rose, for whom He Rose, all of the wonderful privileges that came along with His Ascension, and probably even give you some Biblical references to back it up?  Were you aware that there were actual teachings about our Lord and Savior, and that the children that were taught these things recognized them and honored them, because there were those that taught believed, walked and talked it?  The eggs were a pleasant surprise, the sweet treats welcomed, and made us highly anticipative for our "Mother's Day" parts.  We would get a surprise and reward then too.  Think about it?  Of course, it is your decision.  I remember the old saying,"when you know better, you do better".  I am sure that there was much knowledge back in the day.  Look at how far we have come now.  


Take Care,


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